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©André Garcez - apeapt.com. Haz click para ampliar
 1397 vistas


Aviat A-1 Husky (D-ELMP)  
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En vuelo (Portugal) 
26 de noviembre de 2011
Flying low over the Tagus River with the only Husky in Portugal and keeping it perfect for the photos with a little crab manouver. Notice that in the back there's a.net photographer Jorge Ruivo checking his pictures of the DHC-1 Chipmunk that I was flying with open canopy! What a great way to end the day!
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©André Garcez - apeapt.com. Haz click para ampliar
 2396 vistas


Aviat A-1 Husky (D-ELMP)  
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En vuelo (Portugal) 
26 de noviembre de 2011
The sun passing through the Husky's cabin gives the perfect touch to one of the last photos of this awesome air-to-air flight around Santarém and the Tagus River.
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