AviationCorner.net - Aircraft photography - Rockwell B-1B Lancer


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United States - Air Force
Rockwell B-1B Lancer (85-0085)  
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Las Vegas - Nellis Air Force Base (LSV/KLSV) (Nevada - United States)  Filter by US state Show nearby airports Show location
January 31, 2012
B-1B 85-0085 EL from the 37th Bomb Squadron "Tigers" attached to the 28th Bomb Wing based at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota departing on its early afternoon sortie in support of Red Flag exercise 12-2
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 This photo has been viewed 6204 times since May 30, 2012. Show Exif info  

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6-9-2012 05:14:55

Thanks for all the kind remarks guys!
Manuel Acosta Zapata LMDT Spotters

6-25-2013 10:38:21

Nice burning "bone"!!!

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