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Some of the favorite photos of our visitors
©Pepe Zárate. Click to see full-size photo ©Ema Loyola -Spotter Crew-. Click to see full-size photo ©Antonio Lorente Bruñas. Click to see full-size photo ©Antonio Lorente Bruñas. Click to see full-size photo
©David Manuel Tobarra Ruiz - Spotters Murcia. Click to see full-size photo ©Adrian U. Monterde - Spotters Maños. Click to see full-size photo ©Andrés Aliotta. Click to see full-size photo ©VTR - Fabián García (Global AirShots). Click to see full-size photo

News & Highlights
American Airlines unveils new logo 4295d, 5h ago
Global 787 Dreamliner fleet now grounded 4296d, 5h ago
Japanese airlines ground 787 fleets 4297d, 13h ago
Citilink orders 25 Airbus A320neo 4298d, 10h ago
Etihad orders two A330-200 4375d, 1h ago

Latest accepted photos

©Manuel EstevezR. Click to see full-size photo ©Marcin Glodzik. Click to see full-size photo ©Miguel A. Águeda Rguez.  (CANARY ISLANDS SPOTTING). Click to see full-size photo ©Miguel A. Águeda Rguez.  (CANARY ISLANDS SPOTTING). Click to see full-size photo ©Miguel A. Águeda Rguez.  (CANARY ISLANDS SPOTTING). Click to see full-size photo ©Miguel A. Águeda Rguez.  (CANARY ISLANDS SPOTTING). Click to see full-size photo ©Aaròn25. Click to see full-size photo ©Vicente Aguiló. Click to see full-size photo

Latest accepted photos in USA

©César Prieto. Click to see full-size photo ©César Prieto. Click to see full-size photo ©Joaquín Bueno Daza -Aire. org / Airbus DS fans group. Click to see full-size photo ©Joaquín Bueno Daza -Aire. org / Airbus DS fans group. Click to see full-size photo

Recent topics
Did the Brazilian Air Force operate Mirages 5? 1513d, 10h ago
Just one exact photo?... 2003d, 12h ago
Ser piloto con 40 años 2103d, 10h ago
Ayuda academia en Madrid 2109d, 21h ago
Merry Christmas and happy New Year 2129d, 8h ago
Preguntas trabajo de investigación 2176d, 18h ago
Fan blade tracking after April engine failure 2350d, 20h ago

Recent replies
Venta a bordo Privilege Style 550d, 22h ago
Ser piloto con 40 años 920d, 16h ago
Just one exact photo?... 1665d, 23h ago
Norwegian starts to use 787 to LPA 1818d, 18h ago
Ayuda academia en Madrid 2107d, 9h ago
Norwegian start to use the 787 to BCN summer 2017 2350d, 20h ago

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