Enviado por
José María Rebés

Changes for uploading to the priority queue

 Fecha y hora de inicio
09/11/2012 10:22:04
3789 vistas

Starting from now, the high-priority queue have been changed following a different approach fomr the one we used in the past.

The interest of the new system is to focus the priority line on the relevant of the event / aircraft shown, and not on the registration (up to now "new in the DB") nor the place where the picture was taken.

So from now the reason for uploading a picture to the priority line are:

- New models of airplanes or first use of a particular model by an airline.
- New liveries.
- Special events related to the airplane.
- Special events related to the airport.

As usual, the picture must be recent (3 months maximum).

Best regards.
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