AviationCorner.net - Fotografía aeronáutica - Boeing 767-381/ER

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All Nippon Airways
Boeing 767-381/ER (JA607A)  
  Fecha y lugar  
En vuelo (China) 
17 de agosto de 2011
After around 3.5 hours of sitting on the plane at the gate due to heavy rain and thunderstorms, we finally become air born in the usual muggy skies of Shanghai. Seen here banking right as we head to NRT, this delay subsequently caused us to miss our connection in NRT resulting in an overnight stay in Tokyo at our expense because as many of you probably know, weather delays=costly for passengers like myself )= as the hotel was $150 for the night along with a 35 dollar club sandwich at the hotel. Flying certainly has its ups and downs, but regardless of how costly it can be, I still enjoy every second of it!
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Gustavo Zapata

15/11/2011 15:34:02

ooppss what ashame, I hope you could take some pictures at NRT.
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